Selected Publications for ATTO 425:
M. Benyaya, M.-A. Bolzinger, Y. Chevalier, S. Ensenat, C. Bordes, Pickering emulsions stabilized with differently charged particles, Soft Matter 19, 4780 (2023).
H. Damstra, J. Passmore, A. Serweta, I. Koutlas, M. Burute, F. Meye, A. Akhmanova, L. Kapitein, GelMap, Nature methods 20, 1573 (2023).
L. Handlin, G. Dai, Direct regulation of the voltage sensor of HCN channels by membrane lipid compartmentalization, Nature communications 14, 6595 (2023).
M. Huber, A. Schreiber, L. Stühn, S. Schiller, Programming protein phase-separation employing a modular library of intrinsically disordered precision block copolymer-like proteins creating dynamic cytoplasmatic compartmentalization, Biomaterials 299, 122165 (2023).
J. Köffer, A. Frontzek, U. Eigner, Development and validation of a bacterial gastrointestinal multiplex RT-PCR assay for use on a fully automated molecular system, Journal of Microbiological Methods 210, 106754 (2023).
C. Li, W. Lv, F. Yang, C. Li, C. Huang, S. Zhen, Logic Control of Directional Long-Range Resonance Energy Transfer On 2D DNA Nanosheet, Small Methods 19, 2301811 (2023).
T. Sheard, T. Shakespeare, R. Seehra, M. Spencer, K. Suen, I. Jayasinghe, Differential labelling of human sub-cellular compartments with fluorescent dye esters and expansion microscopy, Nanoscale 15, 18489 (2023).
B. Thongrom, M. Dimde, U. Schedler, R. Haag, Thiol-Click Based Polyglycerol Hydrogels as Biosensing Platform with In Situ Encapsulated Streptavidin Probes, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 224, 2200271 (2023).
X. Wang, Y. Huang, Y. Ren, S. Wang, J. Li, Y. Lin, H. Chen, L. Wang, X. Huang, Biotic communities inspired proteinosome-based aggregation for enhancing utilization rate of enzyme, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 635, 456 (2023).
S. Chatterjee, Y. Kan, M. Brzezinski, K. Koynov, R. Regy, A. Murthy, K. Burke, J. Michels, J. Mittal, N. Fawzi, S. Parekh, Reversible Kinetic Trapping of FUS Biomolecular Condensates, Advanced Science 9, 2104247 (2022).
M. Hruska, R. Cain, M. Dalva, Nanoscale rules governing the organization of glutamate receptors in spine synapses are subunit specific, Nature Communications 13, 1 (2022).
J. Li, Z. Xu, M. Zhu, C. Zhao, X. Wang, H. Chen, X. Liu, L. Wang, X. Huang, Programmable spatial organization of liquid-phase condensations, Chem 8, 784 (2022).
S. Schmitt, G. Renzer, J. Benrath, A. Best, S. Jiang, K. Landfester, H.-J. Butt, R. Simonutti, D. Crespy, K. Koynov, Monitoring the Formation of Polymer Nanoparticles with Fluorescent Molecular Rotors, Macromolecules 55, 7284 (2022).
Z. Sun, J. Li, Y. Yang, Y. Tong, H. Li, C. Wang, L. Du, Y. Jiang, Ratiometric Fluorescent Biosensor Based on Self-Assembled Fluorescent Gold Nanoparticles and Duplex-Specific Nuclease-Assisted Signal Amplification for Sensitive Detection of Exosomal miRNA, Bioconjugate Chemistry 33, 1698 (2022).
B. Thongrom, M. Dimde, U. Schedler, R. Haag, Thiol-Click Based Polyglycerol Hydrogels as Biosensing Platform with In Situ Encapsulated Streptavidin Probes, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 224, 2200271 (2023).
V. Yerramilli, A. Ross, S. Scarlata, A. Gericke, IQGAP1 scaffolding links phosphoinositide kinases to cytoskeletal reorganization, Biophysical Journal 121, 793 (2022).
M. He, Z. Zhang, C. Cao, G. Zhou, C. Kuang, X. Liu, 3D Sub-Diffraction Printing by Multicolor Photoinhibition Lithography, Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100229 (2022).
H. Chen, L. Wang, S. Wang, J. Li, Z. Li, Y. Lin, X. Wang, X. Huang, Construction of Hybrid Bi-microcompartments with Exocytosis-Inspired Behavior toward Fast Temperature-Modulated Transportation of Living Organisms, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60, 20795 (2021).
M. Nöth, Z. Zou, I. El-Awaad, L. de Lencastre Novaes, G. Dilarri, M. Davari, H. Ferreira, F. Jakob, U. Schwaneberg, A peptide-based coating toolbox to enable click chemistry on polymers, metals, and silicon through sortagging, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 118, 1520 (2021).
Plamena R. Angelova, Minee L. Choi, Alexey V. Berezhnov, Mathew H. Horrocks, Craig D. Hughes, Suman De, Margarida Rodrigues, Ratsuda Yapom, Daniel Little, Karamjit S. Dolt, Tilo Kunath, Michael J. Devine, Paul Gissen, Mikhail S. Shchepinov, Sergiy Sylantyev, Evgeny V. Pavlov, David Klenerman, Andrey Y. Abramov, Sonia Gandhi, Alpha synuclein aggregation drives ferroptosis, Cell Death and Differentiation 27, 2781 (2020).
C. Reissaus, K. Day, R. Mirmira, K. Dunn, F. Pavalko, R. Day, PIE-FLIM Measurements of Two Different FRET-Based Biosensor Activities in the Same Living Cells, Biophysical Journal 118, 1820 (2020).
H. Steele, M. Elmer-Dixon, J. Rogan, J. Ross, B. Bowler, The Human Cytochrome c Domain-Swapped Dimer Facilitates Tight Regulation of Intrinsic Apoptosis, Biochemistry 59, 2055 (2020).
J. Su, H. Chen, Z. Xu, S. Wang, X. Liu, L. Wang, X. Huang, Near-Infrared-Induced Contractile Proteinosome Microreactor with a Fast Control on Enzymatic Reactions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 41079 (2020).
A. Sulatskaya, S. Bondarev, M. Sulatsky, N. Trubitsina, M. Belousov, G. Zhouravleva, M. Llanos, A. Kajava, I. Kuznetsova, K. Turoverov, Point mutations affecting yeast prion propagation change the structure of its amyloid fibrils, Journal of Molecular Liquids 314, 113618 (2020).
Y. Ji, Y. Liu, W. Xia, A. Behling, M. Meng, P. Bennett, L. Wang, Importance of probe design for bioanalysis of oligonucleotides using hybridization-based LC-fluorescence assays, Bioanalysis 11, 1917 (2019).
C. Kimna, O. Lieleg, Engineering an orchestrated release avalanche from hydrogels using DNA-nanotechnology, Journal of Controlled Release 304, 19 (2019).
J. Baillet, V. Desvergnes, A. Hamoud, L. Latxague, P. Barthélémy, Lipid and Nucleic Acid Chemistries, Advanced Materials 30 (2018).
J. Baillet, V. Desvergnes, A. Hamoud, L. Latxague, P. Barthélémy, Lipid and Nucleic Acid Chemistries, Advanced Materials 30 (2018).
O. Garwain, K. Valla, S. Scarlata, Phospholipase Cβ1 regulates proliferation of neuronal cells, The FASEB Journal 32, 2891 (2018).
J. Kucera, P. Lubal, S. Lis, P. Taborsky, Determination of deuterium oxide content in water based on luminescence quenching, Talanta 184, 364 (2018).
A. Mapanao, M. Santi, P. Faraci, V. Cappello, D. Cassano, V. Voliani, Endogenously Triggerable Ultrasmall-in-Nano Architectures, ACS Omega 3, 11796 (2018).
S. Nagl, Micro free-flow isoelectric focusing with integrated optical pH sensors, Engineering in Life Sciences 18, 114 (2018).
T. Qin, B. Liu, K. Zhu, Z. Luo, Y. Huang, C. Pan, L. Wnag, Organic fluorescent thermometers, Trends in Analytical Chemistry (TrAC) 102, 259 (2018).
S. Wang, S. Phadke, Z. Zhao, S. Reid, J. Beirne, G. Redmond, Polymer Nanoparticles Microenvironment, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 28977 (2018).
S. Macchi, R. Nifosì, G. Signore, S. Di Pietro, C. Boccardi, F. D'Autilia, F. Beltram, F. Cardarelli, Self-aggregation propensity of the Tat peptide revealed by UV-Vis, NMR and MD analyses, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 23910 (2017).
A. Damont, R. Boisgard, F. Dollé, M. Hollocou, B. Kuhnast,Avidin/Biotin Bioinspired Platform for Dual In Vivo 18F-PET/NIRF Molecular Imaging, Bioconjugate chemistry 28, 2524 (2017).
C. Herzog, E. Poehler, A. Peretzki, S. Borisov, D. Aigner, T. Mayr, S. Nagl, Continuous on-chip fluorescence labelling, free-flow isoelectric focusing and marker-free isoelectric point determination of proteins and peptides, Lab on a Chip 16, 1565 (2016).
A. Sulatskaya, I. Kuznetsova, M. Belousov, S. Bondarev, G. Zhouravleva, K. Turoverov, Stoichiometry and Affinity of Thioflavin T Binding to Sup35p Amyloid Fibrils, PLOS ONE 11, e0156314 (2016).
G. Das, E. Battista, G. Manzo, F. Causa, P. Netti, E. Di Fabrizio, Large-Scale Plasmonic nanoCones Array For Spectroscopy Detection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 23597 (2015).
K. Gunay, H. Klok, Identification of Soft Matter Binding Peptide Ligands Using Phage Display, Bioconjugate Chemistry 26, 2002 (2015).
S. Kijani, U. Yrlid, M. Heyden, M. Levin, J. Borén, P. Fogelstrand, J. Langowski, Filter-Dense Multicolor Microscopy, PLOS ONE 10, e0119499 (2015).
A. Ponomarenko, V. Brylev, E. Nozhevnikova, V. Korshun, Recent Advances in Self-Assembled Fluorescent DNA Structures and Probes, Current topics in medicinal chemistry 15, 1162 (2015).
A.V. Fonin, A.I. Sulatskaya et al., Fluorescence of Dyes in Solutions with High Absorbance. Inner Filter Effect Correction, PLoS ONE 9, e103878 (2014).
T. Kubota, J.J. Lacroix et al., Probing a-310 Transitions in a Voltage-Sensing S4 Helix, Biophys. J. 107, 1117 (2014).
K. Otomo, T. Hibi et al., Two-photon excitation STED microscopy by utilizing transmissive liquid crystal devices, Optics Express 22, 28215 (2014).
M. van den Brand, Development of a multiplex real-time PCR assay for the rapid diagnosis of neonatal late onset sepsis, J. Microbiological Methods 106, 8 (2014).
S. Ebrahimi, Y. Akhlaghi et al., Nucleic Acid Based Fluorescent Nanothermometers, ACS Nano 8, 10372 (2014).
J. C.-C. Hsu, E. H.-L. Chen et al., Thioflavin T and Its Photoirradiative Derivatives: Exploring Their Spectroscopic Properties in the Absence and Presence of Amyloid Fibrils, J. Phys. Chem. B 117, 3459 (2013).
E. Malecki, A. Farhat et al., Synthesis of 5-Fluorouridine Nucleolipid Derivatives and Their Cytostatic/Cytotoxic Activities on Human HAT-29 Colon Carcinoma Cells, Chem. Biodiv. 10, 2235 (2013).
S.L. Kuan, D.Y.W. Ng et al., pH Responsive Janus-like Supramolecular Fusion Proteins for Functional Protein Delivery, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 17254 (2013).
A.I. Sulatskaya, I.M. Kuznetsova, K.K. Turoverov, Interaction of Thioflavin T with Amyloid Fibrils: Fluorescence Quantum Yield of Bound Dye, J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 2538 (2012).
I.M. Kuznetsova, A.I. Sulatskaya et al., Analyzing Thioflavin T Binding to Amyloid Fibrils by an Equilibrium Microdialysis-Based Technique, PLoS ONE 7, e30724 (2012).
A.I. Sulatskaya, I.M. Kuznetsova, K.K. Tureverov, Interaction of Thioflavin T with Amyloid Fibrils: Stoichiometry and Affinity of Dye Binding, Absorption Spectra of Bound Dye, J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 11519 (2011).
R. S. Agnes, F. Jernigan, Suborganelle Sensing of Mitrochondrial cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Activity, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 6075 (2010).
N. S. Kehr, A. Schäfer et al., Asymmetric printing of molecules and zeolites an self assembled monolayers, Nanoscale 2, 601 (2010).
P. Praus, E. Kocisova et al., Frequency domain fluorescence microspectrometry: Application to cellular uptake and drug distribution, Spectroscopy 24, 303 (2010).
K.G. Heinze, M. Jahnz, P. Schwille, Triple-Color Coincidence Analysis: One Step Further in Following Higher Order Molecular Complex Formation, Biophys. J. 86, 506 (2004).
E. Haustein, M. Jahnz, P. Schwille, Triple FRET: A Tool for Studying Long-Range Molecular Interactions, ChemPhysChem 4, 745 (2003).